

You can sigup for ProAgent at where you will find the following page:

proAgent signup

If you already have an account, you can login at where you will find the login page.


proAgent agent

After logging in, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page where you can see overview of your account. Press on the "Create New Agent" button to create a new agent. The created ones will appear on the "AI Agents" page also below of this page. You can also upgrade your package from here by pressing the "Upgrade" button.


proAgent agent

In this screen you will see the agents you have also you can crete a new agent by clicking the "Create Agent" button.

View and Test the Chatbot

Click three dot icon of agents to go the settings page of that agent. Where you will see the Chat message list at the bottom of the page.

proAgent agent

If you click a message, you will see the chat history of that agent also you can chat with that agent.


proAgent agent

In this page you can update your profile name, profile picture and change password.

Marketing Opportunity

In the Customers tab you can see your customers. Also you can send them bulk email buy clicking the Bulk Email button.

proAgent agent
proAgent agent

Here you can select customers also sort out customers by their locations, write title and a good description.

Chat List

Click three dot icon of agents to go the settings page of that agent. Where you will see the Chat message list at the bottom of the page.

proAgent agent